It would make things so much more interesting if enemy responded to you in different ways.
This of course stay together to the ' oh look, a person in full power armor, equipped with high level weapons that is strolling alone in the commonwealth, it is surely a good idea for us 3 half naked dudes with a baseball bat to attack him ' problem. Because the game would become so much more interesting if different group had different relationships and you were not the enemy of the world. This Really makes me ' angry' as I see that bethesda really does not care. Anyone else get seriously miffed at not being able to loot the fusion cores from dead power armor wearers?Īh raiders, just never gets old does it, when being attacked by super mutants or ghouls or giant bears or deathclaws or tigers or dragons or whatever, you should make sure to attack the hero because the last thing you want to do is help the hero save your life.Īlso, still get fond flashbacks every time Gopher sees a sledgehammer.